Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chickens, foxes and shoplifters...

I have become pretty good at undestanding Konglish (apparently that's what Korean English is called, just in case you didn't get it), which manifests itself mainly in mixing l's and r's in the classic "flied lice" and "Jane Lawlings" kind of way, but also in my favourites of "Let's go to lunchie", "cake-ie" and "sandwichie". However, I really came unstuck when the team leader started talking about "chickens for the project", project "chickens" and generating "chickens". I nodded as usual and fixed my face into a "business face" whilst having hysterics on the inside. Then he wrote it down on a time plan and the light dawned.... of course he was talking about "Quick wins!". I suppose it was fortunate that it became chickens and not Quickie wins.

And so onto foxes. Was in a night club and and American guy had a dead fox which was pleasant (I guess it was an old fashioned stole). I was obviously delighted to find that it's mouth had a clip inside - great hair accessory!

Shoplifting... well it has been a while since I have done something embarrassing, so sure enough I was ready for a fall. I went into our little corner shop, which being part of a large chain of stores and having a card reader, I naturally assumed would take cards (every other place I have tried has taken cards with out the need to do the loitering, paying for other people's shopping manourve as previously mentioned). So, as she scanned, I packed... into my large handbag because they don't give you bags unless you beg for them... and then my card didn't read... so 3 different cards later, and no cash on me, I had to do the embarrassing thing of unpacking my bag (which is huge, full of assorted junk) and trying to make sure that I had found everything that I had stuffed in there, without uprooting any embarrassing items. And yes, of course there was a queue of people behind me. I'm sure people who had just walked into the shop though that this was a new western method of shoplifting. Oh the shame.